Saturday, February 19, 2011


Okay, so we've been a little busy. Besides being sick (all of us!!)  and Shawn crossing over to Boy Scouts and Robert's racing season starting and I FINALLY  got a government job!!!!! Yeah me! I have been trying to get a job with the government for over a year and finally did it! I start 2/28th.  Besides that we made a trip to Charleston to help a friend move and visit with Dave and Liza and yes they ended up sick also, sorry guys....... But everything looks like it's on the up swing, so let's keep it there. Warm weather is on it's way, I can feel it, I am ready to ride my bike outside instead of sitting in spin class. Weight is down to 202 from 236 and I feel wonderful! I need new shorts for the summer, the ones I have are barley hanging on, which is a good thing!