Tuesday, February 14, 2012

a lot going on

Well a lot has gone on in the past couple of months, we got through Christmas and I think everyone was happy to have Christmas in our new house. Shawn bought a go-cart with his birthday and Christmas money and I think Robert and I like riding more than he does. Robert has also built Shawn his own garage for it. Shawn is also doing a life saving class every Saturday morning while I do spin at the YMCA.Got through my 40th birthday, I keep telling myself it's just a number BUT I have to say it has bothered me a little, I don't feel like I look 40. Robert did a wonderful job of surprising me with 4 days of parties, I drank more beer and wine in 4 day than I did all year. The most special thing he did was arrange for my best friend to come over from Knoxville on Saturday and stay the night with me,that I will never forget! Had a wonderful time. I'm going to spin class 4 times a week now and am feeling pretty good. Robert is training hard for race season which starts this weekend in Greenville. I Guess you can say the race season has begun, with Shawn and Robert both racing I have my hands full trying to keep up but I do enjoy every minute of it and wouldn't change it for the world! Good luck to both my guys this year and I will be the one screaming for you on the side of the road and your biggest fan!